Regardless of what field you pursue for your Bachelors Degree or Diploma, the one subject that is always required for any program is English.

Unlike Math, English cannot be improved in a few months! It takes time to improve English and it is incredibly difficult to improve students’ marks in Grade 12. To truly see an advancement in students’ English abilities can take up to 6 months.

At Zylor Education, we focus on different areas when we tutor English. While Essay Writing is what most students think about, there are multiple strands of English such as Comprehension, Grammar, Vocabulary, Presentation skills and so forth. Our tutors focus on each area over the course of several sessions.

It is extremely important to start English tutoring when a student is in elementary school, as this is the best time to instil a passion to read and write. The earlier the better when it comes to starting English tutoring!


Effective Writing
Modern Literature
Topics in English Literature
Modern Fiction

Grade 12

Grade 12 English Academic (ENG4U)
Grade 12 English College Prep (ENG4C)
Grade 12 Studies in Literature (ETS4U)
Grade 12 Writer’s Craft (EWC4U)

Grade 11

Grade 11 English University (ENG3U)
Grade 11 English College Prep (ENG3C)

Grade 10

Grade 10 English Academic (ENG2D)
Grade 10 English Applied (ENG2P)

Grade 9

Grade 9 English ENG1D

One of the most important aspects of our English tutoring

One of the most important aspects of our English tutoring method is convincing students to read. It does not matter what they like to read; it could be about the latest article on sports, dance or about a celebrity they admire. As long as students read something, it doesn’t matter what subject they are reading about. Just get them to read! When a student reads a novel, they paint a picture of the story in their minds. This skill becomes crucial when it comes to writing an essay, especially if it is creative writing. Reading also improves students’ grammar, vocabulary and sentence structure.

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English is not just important for getting into University

English is not just important for getting into University, it is also important when students are in University. Obviously, if you are in the Arts or Social Science fields, one can see the importance of English. However, English is equally critical in fields such as Engineering, Computer Science, Business etc. In these programs, you have to write essays or you may have to justify a strategy in marketing. This requires strong writing skills.

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It is very important to not wait to start English University Tutoring as it is very fast paced and you will very quickly fall behind. The length of a semester in university is actually 3 months (about 13 weeks) and you finish a chapter a week. You will have your first midterm in early October (or early March for the second semester) and there will be 5 midterms, one after the other (since you are taking 5 subjects). It does not take much to fall behind and then digging yourself out of this hole is very difficult. So, it is best to start tutoring immediately and to do two sessions a week. This will enable you to clear up any misunderstood concepts and you keep up with the hectic pace of university life.

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Ready to Get Started?

Call (905-997-0997) for your first session!
