How We Tutor

One on One Tutoring In A Shared Setting

Online tutoring in a shared setting

A three (max 4) to one ratio for student to tutor

Four hours per week

Free additional sessions

One on One Tutoring

Online and In Person Tutoring

One to One ratio of student to tutor

1 or more hours per week

Structured 1:1 Tutoring

We Provide Structured tutoring by teaching 2 topics in each session, assign homework and practice tests.


A study plan will be created for every student to help keep them on track. Zylor Education will share the plan with parents so they can follow along with their child’s progress.

Practice Test

We give students a practice test to ensure they are well prepared, and to evaluate areas of weakness before their test in school.

Video Lectures + Lessons

We have created detailed video lectures, so students can watch an overview of the lesson prior to their tutoring session. Here’s an example of our video lectures.

Career Guidance

We offer career guidance for students, with information on the latest career options and their compensation.

Ready to Get Started?

Call (905-997-0997) for your first session!
